Autumn Tints of Dumfries and Galloway

As the summer fades, autumn colours begin to blaze in high definition in the south-western corner of Scotland. As the warm yellows, rusty oranges and fiery reds consume the foliage we
explore the region’s most delightful gardens. Highlights of the tour include Dumfries House, actually in Ayrshire, which His Majesty King Charles helped to save and home to the Queen Elizabeth Walled Garden; the Glenwhan Gardens spread out over a blustery hilltop with stupendous views of Luce Bay and the Mull of Galloway and Logan Botanic Garden attractively laid out, particularly in the walled garden with its outstanding terraces andwell-planned borders. We also visit a handful of private gardens including Burnside, a mature 6 ½ acre garden home to a wide variety of plants and trees, Millhall with its vast collection of shrubs situated on a hillside running along the shore of the Dee Estuary. A real privilege is a visit to Brightwater tour manager Colin Crosbie’s own garden Dalswinton Mill – a real plantsman’s garden.
What to Expect
• A visit to the Queen Elizabeth Walled Garden, which is one of the best examples of its kind in Scotland
• The private garden at Millhall
• Colin Crosbie’s own garden, Dalswinton Mill